Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blog Exercise: Tone and Color

How TONE is operating

 It is poster for one of the most successful Bollywood movie Devdas. Poster has orange-light-brownish tone in the background that covers female’s pictures and the male’s picture but just slightly. In this case tone separates and unites figures. It separates the male figure and unites the female’s figures. It tells the story. Tone give sense of something “traditional” or related to Indian traditions because this tone is often used in photography to create nostalgic feeling maybe recall memories. From the expression and positioning of the 3 figures I get sense of dilemma. Two woman separated by curtain and one is hiding behind it.

How TONE is integrating

I thing tone emphasizes background/foreground separation. Shape is another main component that incorporates to the story. One of the women in the background on the left is hiding behind the curtain it tells me that there is some secretiveness gives vibe of separation or being different or misunderstood (depends on plot of the movie). Another woman on the right covered with the same curtain yet with different decorative pattern at the end of it. It says to me that she is about to be married or already is. There is something that unites and yet separates those two women and tone underlines it. So tone kind of lead us and shows the hierarchy of importance of the characters Shape also plays significant role here. We see bottle and marks on both women’s forehead, both of the marks communicate to the viewer. Dot(rounded shape) means single or married (it is depending on color). And woman on the left has just decorative diamond-shaped element glued to her forehead. Bottle that man holds means distortion confusion dissatisfaction or uncertainness .    

How COLOR is operating

The goodish background color creates dreamy or nostalgic atmosphere and also gives females supporting role and makes the man a main character of that movie. He doesn't fade into background and his hair part of his short and mainly bottle touched with colors. I think color here play the role of the highlighter to underline hidden message and symbolism. Color marks the ques for the viewer which movie might be about.

How COLOR is interacting

Color leads viewer to make assumptions before they even begin to read the plot or watch a preview. The female on the left has decorative element on her forehead it probably means it is important for her to showcase her beauty. The woman on the right has a dot that is supper bright and bigger than usual- it is symbolic accent.  Red dot means that she is married or prepared for marriage; it gives viewer room for interpretation. Ether main character will be in love with married woman (which is less likely in Indian movies) or there are some social differences between them and she married or about to get married to a different man. Both of the women have lips almost the same color it might be just underline their sensuality or if I go deeper in symbolism mean tough choice for male. The most colorful; part is bottle which stands out against peaceful background the most. Well I guess man is frustrated and he couldn't make his choice without the bottle (just kidding)

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